I would like to announce that i am getting engaged on 26th of June 2009.
I used to say that im ready to settle down and everything, but masa mr love's mom called and nak confirm pasal this thing, i freaked out. i felt like ade batu besar hit me on the head. baru terasa mcm ohhh aku muda lagi. betul ke aku dah nak kawen ni. yahhh kotan kenja tek mok nikah. dah diberik cuakkkk.
at first, his mom nak srh kawen sekarang. lagi la i takut mcm cibai. then, i told mr love that i nak kawen in 2 yrs time. after dah habes blaja and i dah start keje. but then, his dad ckp lama sgt. urghhh.. i still dont have the answer for that. it's not like i tanak kawen. i seriously want this. tapii i nak kawen pakai my own money. not my parents'.
guess what, i dah bz plan how my wedding will be. the cake, the dress, the reception. lol. been discussing with amy, farah, juan n eman. ohh n jaye pon ade lukis some dresses. haha. (btw, congrats to the the new lovebird.hee.) omg. thanks guys sbb melayan perangai gila kwn korang ni. amy lagilaaa, lukis layout reception and lekat dekat dinding beside my tilam. haha.
this is a bit lame, but terima kaseh to farah for the sweet present. i love it so so much.
i got this set. sukeeee. Till then, see u again soon.