On Saturday i bought a 9.45am ticket but managed to use the 8.45 bus instead. Sayang fetched me at Pudu (god i hate this place so much). Later, accompanied him shopping for his baju kerja. We went to Sungei Wang. He bought 2 shirts and a pants. I sempat bought a grey long sleeved baju and a pair of flip flop. Later i bought some stuff for baking raya cookies (semangat tau!).
We reached his house around 5pm. Then i tidur till 6.30 pm. Mesti mak mentua aku menyirap jer. His mom cooked one of my favourite dish, Laksa Penang. Fuhhh. Layan sialll. The best Laksa ever. haha. suka la mak mentua aku kalo dgr. I adore her cos she cook everything on her own. Even kueh (bukan kueh raya nong). The laksa mee pon she made it herself. I ate the laksa for bbuka and sahur too. Penat je die masak nasik and lauk.
On sunday i woke up at 11am. Memang menyumpah org tua tu. haha. Watched tv and later went out to KLCC. Sayang bought another pants. Then buka puasa with hana, farah and juan at chili's. Fuhh memang kenyang stock tak leh bernafas. The meal was on farah. Thanx darling. Klak ku chia kawu topspot gik. Tunggu kawu balit la so that means next year. Haha.
Then we went to nose. I fell in love with this one shoes. Nang ku paksa ku gerek ku meli. But he said no unless i buy other shoes cos he said the shoes is ugly. I cant make up my mind and we went to Vincci hoping to find some other nice shoes. But the shoes were all crap. So melepas laa cos it was almost 9 and we needed to rush to Pudu. Then said goodbye to farah. My goodness. It was so fcking sad. i cried.
At Pudu i loan some money from sayang cos i used my money to top up my fon. I havent withdraw my money so pinjam from him. Later he called and told me i dont have to pay back and use the money to buy shoes instead. Thanx sayang. You're the best.
To Farah : Goodbye to you. I wish u the very best of luck. I will miss u so fcking much. Waaaa. Tinggal la aku juan n gegerl. Bait2 ko d sinun eh. Iboh lupak carik laki ala2 aucher k aku haha. Hope to see u again soon. Sorry sekpat anta kawu ke apot. mun ada keta mok ku pegi tp apakan daya aku ini pejalan kaki plg berjaya. Mun ku ke apot jalan kaki cepat gilak ku kurus klak. Haha. Anyway, have a safe journey. I will always pray for u.
That's why im clueless of how i feel about last weekend. Happiness? Sadness? urghh entahla. The mix of both kali tp ney satu lebeh banyak? yahhh. sekpat ku jawab.
some pics i managed to snap:
Till then, see u again soon especially to farah amami marzuki yg ku sayang gila babi.
jangan lah sedeh azie....
ym maseh ada...
kenyang ohh marek...
mek org pagi ya saor bekaol juak..
mun ko ada makin lah bes!!
aku tetap sedeh
ym sik sama ngan tepon!
juan im counting days to go back
sik saba ku tok
heh. gago. im counting days to go home too! hahahah setaun gik. sampe sinun gik lom. haih.
wow. mwuah. rindu . dah ada bibit2 rindu tok :(
uwaaaaaaaa..tak org...rasa nak pg kl esok..apakan daya..ada test..ish..bencik bencik bencik..balit gik ktk 2 oi..sedih ku..
aku mengira hari juak koh...
cant wait...
saba eman....
sik lamak gik mek 2 azie sampei...
farah... ko harus tulis rah board lam bilit ko hari2 nak blt kch klak...
kdk time upsr,pmr n spm dolok di skolah...
mun skolah tak org ada lah...
ehh... kita sik sama skolah padu...
yah... sik semestinya mok sama skolah bok dapat rapat kdk adik bradik nak???
by the way... itam ada juak dah aku ohh...
lamak di kota berdosa tok...
eeuuwww jak upa...
paksa makei fair n lovely tok...
klabu jak rupa klak ohh...
xoxo farah!!!
muah uols....
aiee juan ko molah post ka dlm comment tok?
panjaang jak tek
over tau ko ni
eman saba saba klak mek duak balit
4 more days to go yeeehaaaa
ko mok chia sungkei ka?
aku pun dah start rindu ngan kawu farah
dah terasa jak aku tok
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